Why I’m Voting for My Brothers in November
By Sophia Ward, College Democrats of America Communications Director
As a native Floridian, the Parkland shooting was already far too close to home. But as an older sister with two little brothers in Florida public schools, watching this tragedy unfold was unbearable. My brothers shouldn’t have to be afraid to go to school because it could be the site of this country’s next mass shooting. No one should be.
Over the last two weeks, I’ve joined my fellow College Democrats in channeling my anger into action, my fear into fury, and my pain into power. As a College Democrat, I am committed to encouraging students across the nation to elect officials who will listen to voters and pass legislation that will make our communities safer — legislation that will stop my little brothers from being afraid to go to school.
For far too long, Republicans have offered us nothing but their thoughts and prayers when we needed action and change. It’s time for Republican lawmakers to come to the table and get serious about delivering real change for the safety of our citizens.
College Democrats are organizing on every campus. We’re committed to voting out the Republicans who turned a blind eye to the survivors of Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in the 2018 election and replacing them with Democrats who will pass common-sense gun reform. Schools should be nurturing environments where students come to learn, not settings for mass shootings. Now is the time to hold our elected officials accountable and demand policy change so students never have to enter a classroom in fear again.
Here’s a look at what College Democrats across the country are doing in the fight for common sense gun reform:
- Mobilizing for Vote for Your Life: Recently, the Florida College Democrats partnered with Wall-Of-Us, Florida Young Democrats, and the Florida High School Democrats to organize for the Vote for Your Life program. This campaign is designed to encourage young voters to vote for their lives on November 6th, 2018 in light of the Parkland shooting.
- Encouraging students to sign Gabby’s pledge: We are pushing for students to raise their voice by signing former Representative Gabby Giffords’ pledge to vote for candidates that will pass legislation to make our communities safer.
- Organizing rallies and marches: This past week, College Democrats in Florida organized and rallied at the state capitol and demanded action from elected officials. On March 24th, College Democrats across the country are participating in the March for Our Lives rallies in Washington D.C. and in their local communities.
- Getting out the vote in 2018: College Democrats of America are partnering with the DNC and other organizations and launching the IWillVote campaign. This campaign is encouraging, educating, and engaging with 50 million voters to vote Democrats up and down the ticket.
My youngest brother starts middle school this fall, in the same semester the children who lost their lives in the Sandy Hook shooting would have. On November 6th, 2018, I’m voting for my brothers. I’ll be casting my ballot for Democrats who will fight to make sure no parent or sibling ever has to experience the hell the Parkland, Florida community is living through right now. The most powerful thing any citizen can do is to vote.
After Sandy Hook, we said enough. After Charleston, we said enough. After Pulse, we said enough. After Parkland, we are saying never again.
Sophia Ward is the Communications Director for College Democrats of America. She is a junior at the University of North Florida double majoring in communications with a concentration in public relations and political science with a concentration in public policy. Sophia founded her College Democrats chapter after the 2016 presidential election where she currently serves as president and deputy communications director for the Florida College Democrats and Florida Young Democrats.