The DNC is ready to win this November — thanks to the grassroots.

The Democrats
3 min readMay 1, 2020


April was an incredible month for the Democratic Party.

Joe Biden became our party’s presumptive nominee, and we saw endorsements from President Barack Obama, Senator Bernie Sanders, Senator Elizabeth Warren, and most recently, Secretary Hillary Clinton. This decisive show of party unity was coupled with a remarkable month of online fundraising. These historic achievements speak to the unity of our party, the enthusiasm of the grassroots, and the strength of the movement we’ve built together.

Now, I’m proud to share some exciting news: Not only did we blow past our ambitious April goal in the final hours before our April FEC deadline, but we smashed our party’s year-to-date grassroots fundraising record.

There’s a lot to love in these numbers, but I’ll start with this:

The DNC isn’t just the strongest or best-prepared it’s ever been to win this election. It’s the strongest and best-prepared because of the strength of our grassroots.

That distinction matters.

For the last three years, the DNC has made it our priority to return power to the grassroots. That goal runs through everything we do — from reducing the role of superdelegates to prioritizing investments in local organizing — and it’s one of the reasons I’m so proud to work on a team where I get to engage with and listen to our supporters every day.

That’s because we know our party is strongest when it’s driven by, empowered by, and accountable to you. And these results are proof.

When we win in November, it won’t be because of one organization or candidate. It will be because we earned your trust, fought for your buy-in, and invested in the results together.

Our record-breaking month of fundraising means more resources to protect the right to vote; scaling up our localized investments in battleground states; and bolstering our innovations in data, research, and more that will give every candidate — from Joe Biden to thousands of Democrats running down-ballot — the competitive edge they need to win.

So for that, and for all that grassroots supporters like you continue to do — from volunteering to mobilize voters online, to talking to your friends and family about why supporting Democrats matters and more — I want to say thank you.

The road to Election Day gets even tougher from here, but I’m confident this team will rise to the occasion. Winning the most important election of our lifetimes is a momentous task, but I know we’re ready to do whatever it takes to make sure Democrats have the resources they need to compete and win.



Clarke Humphrey

Director of Online Fundraising

Democratic National Committee

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The Democrats

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