The Democratic Unity Fund

The Democrats
3 min readMay 21, 2019


Last fall, we saw firsthand what Democrats can achieve when we work together. Our victories in 2018 were made possible through an incredible grassroots team that invested early to create the robust, well-resourced party infrastructure necessary to win.

We need to execute the same winning strategy right now, in 2019, in order to stay on track to take back the White House in 2020. The truth is that no matter who becomes our party’s nominee for president, they will rely on the DNC to provide the permanent party infrastructure capable of taking on Donald Trump and the GOP the very moment the general election begins.

The same way you can’t win a marathon by training the night before, you can’t win a presidential election by preparing the same year. Here at the DNC, we knew waiting until next year, or even just a few months before Election Day, would be too little too late in our fight to elect a Democrat to the White House and take back seats nationwide.

That’s why we launched a bold new effort: The Democratic Unity Fund. A fund specifically dedicated to electing our party’s eventual Democratic nominee and winning seats up and down the ballot in 2020.

Right now, it is up to every single one of us to work together to build a bright future for everyone. Simply put, we are fighting for the soul of our country, for the heart of our democracy, and for America’s place as the land of opportunity for all.

The Democratic Unity Fund is a promise that whoever earns our party’s nomination will have a strong, united DNC ready to spring into action the second the general election starts — because winning in 2020 will not happen on its own.

So while our incredible and diverse slate of candidates offer their visions for America, the DNC will be hard at work to elect Democrats at every level of government, from City Hall to the Oval Office. No organization is better positioned to build the long-term organizing infrastructure to lift our Democratic candidates to victory than the DNC.

That’s why we’re making strategic, unprecedented investments in some of the most groundbreaking initiatives our party has ever undertaken. Programs like Organizing Corps 2020, the Data Warehouse — our massive effort to revitalize our voter data and unify the progressive ecosystem — and the nationwide voter protection efforts that are essential to winning in 2020.

No matter who we nominate at our convention next July, they will need a turnkey operation to carry our party’s banner to victory against Donald Trump and the GOP. There truly has never been a better time to invest in our party. Consider making a contribution to the Democratic Unity Fund today to power the groundswell of support it will take to elect Democrats nationwide:



The Democrats

This is the official Medium account of the DNC. Paid for by the Democratic National Committee.