The Democratic Party is Growing Because We’re Delivering Results

The Democrats
4 min readApr 10, 2021


From DNC Chair Jaime Harrison

My grandmother taught me that you’ll learn a lot more about a person from what they show you rather than what they tell you. And that’s exactly what we’re seeing in politics today: Democrats delivering results and Republicans spewing the same nonsense they’ve become famous for.

The Democratic Party is bigger and stronger than it has been in a long time. We held on to our House majority after historic success in the midterm elections, we defied expectations and flipped the Senate by winning two runoff elections in Georgia, and we took back the White House with a record 81 million votes.

If that isn’t evidence enough, just take a look at what has been happening on the ground. After President Biden’s win last year, the Democratic Party is enjoying its biggest advantage over the GOP in nearly a decade as more and more Americans choose to leave the Republican Party. But this success is about a lot more than just the American people rejecting Trump and his failed presidency.

Over the course of the 2020 cycle, and in the first few months of the Biden-Harris administration, voters have seen Democrats not only listen to what the American people want, but stand up and fight for them, while the Republican Party continues its sad and destructive trajectory as the party of manufactured crisis, diversion, and division.

Take the American Rescue Plan. President Biden made it clear on the campaign trail that he would do everything in his power to address the dual public health and economic crises in our country — and with the help of Democrats, and Democrats alone, he delivered.

The American people, including a majority of Republican voters, overwhelmingly support the American Rescue Plan. Why? Because it delivered the relief families across the country needed. It’s making the investments needed to vaccinate Americans so we can open our country back up, getting money in the pockets of families who need to put food on the table, helping small businesses keep their doors open, and giving schools the resources needed to safely reopen.

And not one single Republican in Congress voted for it.

While Democrats were busy delivering thousands of dollars in benefits to American families, all Republicans could talk about was Mr. Potato Head, Dr. Seuss, and Lord knows what else. Democrats delivered for the American people, while Republicans were trying to deceive, distract, and divide.

And now, after President Biden unveiled his American Jobs Plan, which will make a once in-a-generation investment in our country that will create millions of good-paying jobs, improve American competitiveness, and grow our economy, it’s no surprise that a majority of Americans, including Republicans, support it. And Republicans in Congress? Once again, they’re opposed.

What Republicans don’t understand is that families across the country are hurting. On one side, Americans see a party that is delivering on their promises and fighting for them. And on the other, all they see is outrage after outrage about some tweet, some toy, or some book.

Americans in blue states and red states are feeling the impact of real leadership for the first time in four years, and they like it. They finally have a government that’s run by people who care about improving their access to health care instead of trying to rip it away. They finally have a government that is working to create more jobs, not hurt consumers with a chaotic trade war. They finally have a government that works for them, and not big corporations and the wealthy.

The reason more and more Americans are identifying as Democrats is quite simple: President Biden and Democrats aren’t interested in picking petty fights or drumming up faux outrage over the latest perceived scandal, they’re focused on getting the work done for the American people. When Americans tune in to see what’s happening in Washington, they see Democrats doing the work to end the pandemic and rebuild our economy, while Republicans read children’s books.

So as more and more Americans join the Democratic Party, we’re ready to welcome them. But we won’t stop there. There’s still plenty of work that needs to be done to continue to grow our party, to reach every single voter in this country and let them know how our party is the one that’s fighting for them. And that’s exactly what we’re going to do.



The Democrats

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