DNC Chair Tom Perez Visits Pennsylvania

The Democrats
4 min readAug 10, 2018

This week, DNC Chair Tom Perez spent two days traveling across Pennsylvania to hear from voters, rally organizers and volunteers, and highlight the $595,000 the party has invested in the Keystone State to support organizing efforts, state party infrastructure, and Democratic candidates running up and down the ticket, across the state.

On Wednesday night, Perez participated in a canvass kick-off at Mi Casa Su Casa cafe in Reading with lieutenant governor candidate John Fetterman, and 6th congressional district candidate Chrissy Houlahan. At the kick-off, Perez rallied organizers and volunteers to knock doors and mobilize voters to elect Democrats across Pennsylvania in November.

On Thursday, Perez traveled to Pittsburgh, where he participated in a Seat at the Table event with Black women leaders from the community at the Jeron X. Grayson Center. The Seat at the Table tour is a listening and training tour for and by Black women designed to provide an opportunity for the DNC to not only listen to the concerns of women of color, but to share strategies and best practices for winning elections.

Penn Live: John L. Micek: With Pa. in play, national Dems spend nearly $600k on ground game.

“To that end, Democratic National Committee Chairman Tom Perez is set to visit the state starting today (Wednesday) with stops in Reading, where he’ll meet with Latino voters. He’ll be joined there by Democratic lieutenant governor candidate John Fetterman and 6th District congressional hopeful Chrissy Houlahan.

“Perez’s two-day Pennsylvania bounce takes him to Pittsburgh on Thursday for the first of several’table-top’ sessions with African-American women. State Democratic Party Chairwoman Nancy Mills and such prominent western Democrats as Valerie McDonald Roberts are scheduled for that Pittsburgh event.”

WESA: ‘I’m Seeing Excitement Everywhere’: DNC Chair Tom Perez Visits Pittsburgh

“‘What we saw was a unity of purpose, organizers on the ground,’ Perez told 90.5 WESA. ‘If we replicate on Nov. 6 what happened in the 12th Congressional District here earlier this week, we’re going to take over the House. And I have every confidence we will.’”

WFMZ Philadelphia: Tom Perez: “We have incredible opportunities here. when we mobilize voters everywhere, when we invest in every community, when we talk, listen, learn, and get people to the polls, that’s how we win”

Reading Eagle: Beth Brejle: Democratic National Committee chairman visits Reading

“Health care and the right to vote are on the ballot on Nov. 6, an election of a lifetime. That is what Democratic National Committee Chairman Tom Perez told a crowd of more than 100 Wednesday evening during a coordinated campaign rally at Mi Casa Su Casa restaurant on Penn Street in Reading.”

WFMZ: 69 News: DNC chair stumps for candidates in Reading

“The head of the Democratic National Committee visited Reading to show support for his party’s candidates seeking office in November.

“Chairman Tom Perez attended a ‘kickoff’ event at Mi Casa Su Casa on Penn Street.

He stood with 6th Congressional District candidate Chrissy Houlahan and lieutenant governor candidate John Fetterman.”

Morning Call: Laura Olson: National Democrats tout financial, organizing support to Pennsylvania Dems

“National Democrats are touting the investments that the party has made in Pennsylvania, releasing a strategy memo Wednesday promoting the state as critical to its effort to win a majority in the U.S. House this fall.

“The memo details $595,000 that the Democratic National Committee has sent to the Pennsylvania Democratic Party, largely to support field organizing efforts in the African-American and Latino communities.”



The Democrats

This is the official Medium account of the DNC. Paid for by the Democratic National Committee.